PEO Services

Need to Hire
Remote Staff ?

Hire employees without opening an entity. Let us streamline your hiring process with our EOR & PEO services.
Hiring employees for your company can be a hassle, Our EOR & PEO structure helps simplify the process by allowing you to bring in new talent without opening up a new entity.

Why IMC?

Power in Tools & Technology

Accessible from any device, secure and automated, no matter your location. Automatic setup of your environment in minutes. Assign tasks and perform other workflows literally from anywhere.

World-Class Experience

We take pride in creating a delightful user experience for you, your team and everyone else who comes into contact with our products.

Fair Price Guarantee

We offer you a fair price, not a cheap one and don’t worry about hidden fees or over-the-top deposit requirements.

People with a Passion

Our compliance experts are on the ground in every continent, proactively monitoring and improving processes for you.

Protecting IP at all costs

Trust our stronger-than-they-need-to-be intellectual property and invention rights protections.

Get Payroll, HR & Tax Management in One Place

Get payroll, HR and tax management in one place. Manage global payments, payroll and benefits, so you can focus on the rest of your business.

Our Payroll service gives you the flexibility to manage payroll in your own currency, while maintaining global tax obligations.

Local Benefits for Everyone

We’ll create a tailored package that highlights your culture, offers competitive rates and benefits, and provides incentives to build belonging for everyone on your team.

Our country-specific benefits packages make it easy for you to attract and retain the best talent.


Work wherever your team lives and do business in a global economy. Our network of local expert partners ensures compliance in regional laws and tax rules so your team can work wherever they reside.

Flexibility and Freedom

Be more productive with the flexibility and freedom of mobile work, make decisions about your business wherever and whenever you choose.

Our mission is simple and straightforward :

To create an environment focused on flexibility, freedom, and productivity. We’ll do this by simplifying the way you work that improves your efficiency while bringing new possibilities to your business, which is ultimately what matters most.

Advantages of Partnering with a Global PEO and EOR

Rapid Global Hiring

Effortlessly recruit the talent you need, regardless of their location. With our network spanning countries and territories, we ensure you have access to the best candidates worldwide.

Built-In Compliance

With world-class experience and zero compliance issues, our solutions are software-automated and human-verified, ensuring complete peace of mind.

Expert Global HR Support

Navigating diverse local laws, regulations, requirements, and cultures can be complex. Our Global HR experts provide 24/7 guidance and support to help you overcome these challenges.

Build a Global Team

With a presence in key international markets, you can streamline your expansion by working with a single provider across multiple countries.

Focus on Growth

We handle your HR needs, allowing you to concentrate on your core vision, mission, and objectives without distractions.

Affordable Market Expansion

Businesses can enter new markets without incurring the high costs and complexities of setting up separate entities.

Discover how we can facilitate the growth of your global team.

Pay Your Entire Team in a Minutes

Automate payments, invoice generation, pay slips, & taxes so you can pay the whole team.

Hiring Managers
Start Hiring Better & Faster

No matter where they live, you can hire whoever, wherever, in few minutes.

Legal Teams
Hire Internationally with Compliance

We take care of setting up entities, complaint with local laws & payroll, taxes, benefits for your employees.

Benefits of Utilizing EOR Services & Solutions

Global Employer of Record (EOR) services enable businesses to hire and manage international employees compliantly. By handling legal compliance, payroll processing, and other administrative tasks, EOR services simplify global expansion, allowing you to concentrate on your core business functions.

Global Payroll Processing

Ensure accurate and timely payment for your global team. An EOR solution eliminates the need to manage individual employee payments, including handling local currencies, taxes, employer contributions, and paid time off. Pay your EOR provider a single lump sum in your preferred currency.

Seamless Global Mobility Management

Relocate staff swiftly and compliantly with expert support. Benefit from assistance in relocation destinations, salary benchmarking across countries, and comprehensive visa services, including consultation, application, and administrative requirements through our trusted partners.

Enhanced Employee Experience

Omnipresent excels in delivering an exceptional employee experience. We understand the concerns of having a third party employ your staff, so we ensure employers and employees feel secure with local human support. Both you and your employees will have direct contact to address any questions throughout the process.

Discover how effective Global Mobility Solutions can help transform your international business operations

Watch now to elevate your game with efficient employee relocation, tax management, and regulatory compliance. Stay ahead, and stay global!

Helping an MNC to become Fastest Growing Start Ups
Global EORs have legal entities in multiple countries, acting as the official employer for your international employees while managing all the bureaucracy and legalities. They handle payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance, allowing your company to focus on core operations. With their global networks and expertise, EORs efficiently navigate local labor markets and cultural nuances for smooth international hiring.
A Global Employer of Record (EOR) assumes the legal and compliance duties of a traditional employer, ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations in each country of operation. They oversee payroll processing, tax withholdings, employee benefits, and statutory contributions according to local standards. Furthermore, they manage employment contracts, work permits, visa applications, and other documentation for compliant hiring.
Global EORs possess extensive knowledge of labor laws and regulations in each country they operate, ensuring complete compliance with employment and tax requirements. They continuously monitor changes in local laws and adapt their processes accordingly to mitigate legal risks. By acting as the legal employer, they take on the responsibility of staying current with evolving regulations, enabling your business to operate confidently in foreign markets.

A Global Employer of Record (EOR) service provider is the legal employer for remote employees, handling global payroll, benefits, compliance, and tax matters. This streamlines the process of onboarding, offboarding, and managing employees across various countries.

A Global EOR service simplifies the hiring and management of remote employees in multiple countries by navigating legal and administrative complexities, filing local taxes, managing employee benefits and contributions, and ensuring regulatory compliance. This allows you to access a larger talent pool and streamline your global HR support and services.

Global EOR services are advantageous for various industries, including technology, consulting, manufacturing, and more. These services help businesses expand their global presence and access top talent worldwide.
Global EOR services offer a cost-effective solution compared to the expenses and time involved in establishing infrastructure in multiple countries. Additionally, they can lead to cost savings by enabling you to hire employees from more affordable regions.
Setting up an entity, navigating national regulations, and managing payroll in a specific country can be time-consuming and costly. A global employer of record handles these tasks, allowing you to focus on what you do best: growing your business.
A Global Professional Employer Organization (PEO) provides comprehensive HR solutions for businesses expanding internationally without needing to establish legal entities abroad. Like an Employer of Record (EOR), a Global PEO is the employer for the company’s foreign employees, managing HR, payroll, benefits, and compliance. The terms “EOR” and “PEO” are often interchangeable. This allows companies to access global talent, streamline hiring, and navigate complex employment regulations while focusing on their core operations.

International PEOs benefit companies of all sizes, from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations, by offering flexibility and cost savings for expansion.

Ideal candidates for a Global PEO include:

  • SMEs with 1-100 international employees
  • Large enterprises with over 100 international employees seeking rapid, compliant expansion
  • Businesses needing quick, cost-effective operations in a new country without establishing a foreign subsidiary
  • Companies lacking financial or staffing resources for independent expansion
  • Businesses are planning short-to-medium-term expansions without indefinite market presence
Yes. The Global PEO ensures full compliance with all applicable laws by withholding monthly payroll taxes and managing employee benefits such as insurance and pension contributions.

Many PEO companies offer a sleek, user-friendly digital platform but often lack the experience and support structures needed to handle unforeseen complications.

The best PEO providers possess substantial experience, which should be evidenced by testimonials from satisfied customers. They should be able to efficiently address your needs without resorting to outsourcing unless it enhances the overall level of service.

A PEO is ideal for companies of all sizes and types, regardless of location. For SMEs, a PEO offers expert service in foreign markets that might otherwise be beyond their budget. For more established companies, a PEO offers a way to quickly expand into new territories without a long-term commitment.
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